The GC Session–A Family Reunion

I just returned from my first General Conference session. The session itself (the every five year global gathering of delegates from throughout the Seventh-day Adventist church) will continue through next weekend; I went for a chaplains’ meeting that preceded the GC, and stayed the first weekend. I wasn’t one of the 2400 delegates, merely one…

A Blow to Religious Liberty–and Campus Ministry

The Supreme Court has ruled against a Christian group, demanding that it conform to pro-homosexual policies on a law school campus. They have said that a school’s politically correct policies trump the First Amendment. Another post. They have said that a school can insist that Christian groups allow persons practicing and advocating immorality to be…

An Insight into Catholic Ecclesiology

Folks imagine the Catholic church is a monolithic organization, with all bishops in lockstep conformity to the pope. In fact, each bishop is “vicar of Christ” for the local church he leads–they have the fullness of orders, and have the role of apostles. This gives a bishop tremendous freedom, and protects him both from undue…

Are We Worshipping?

Hugo Mendez (former SDA, turned Catholic) has a series of reflections on Adventist worship (starting with this post). He raises some interesting issues. I’ll be doing a post (or series of posts) sometime soon on this topic myself; not so much to rebut Hugo, as to offer my own thoughts, inspired by his critique.

Adventists and “The Emerging Church”

There have been some discussions about the so-called “emerging church” at Adventist Today, with contributions by Herb Douglass, Monte Sahlin, and yours truly. The subject now graces the cover of the Adventist Review, with articles by Fernando Canale and James Coffin. Canale dismisses the “emerging church” as liberal compromise with postmodernism and Catholicism. He goes…

Creation and Salvation

Some suggest that the controversy over the teaching of evolution at LaSierra University is irrelevant to the question of salvation. But Creation has much to do with Salvation! Creation tells us that we were created by a loving Father, who created mankind sinless and deathless and put us in Eden; that man fell, and this…

Spiritual But Not Religious. Right.

The Center for Progressive Christianity has a children’s curriculum out. TCPC is made up of a bunch of old school liberals: UCC, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, ELCA, etc. It says of this curriculum: There is little progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, inter-spiritual, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent. In fact, many people are finding that the curriculum is…

Religious Liberty Denied in Egypt

Egyptian court says Coptic Church must allow divorce, remarriage. The court ruled that the Christians who make up 10% of the country’s population have the same right to marriage and remarriage as their Muslim neighbors, and Christian churches, regardless of their religious doctrines, must allow divorced people to remarry. The decision cannot be appealed. Another…