Catholics and the Old Testament

Richard J. Clifford, S.J., writes in America–and as is usual in many magazines and newspapers, the headline writer seems not to have read the article (it refers to “Hebrew Bible,” while Clifford gives reasons why he thinks there’s no problem with “Old Testament”).

Andrew Sullivan’s “Race Card”

Andrew Sullivan applauds “young evangelicals.” “They get it – and the message of the Gospels,” he says (meaning he thinks “the Gospels” are in favor of gay marriage). But then comes the racial angle: “Black evangelicals are another matter. There is, alas, no ethnic community as homophobic in America as African-Americans. Which is why the…


Congress shows it won’t bow to the threats and extortion of Wall Street. Houston area congressmen seem united in their opposition, regardless of party: Culberson, Lampson, Paul, Jackson-Lee, Green, etc. In the meantime, how come everyone is blaming this on banks giving mortgages to people who are struggling? Let’s talk about “derivatives,” “complex financial instruments,”…

Goose Day

It’s Goose Day today in Central Pennsylvania–where the medieval custom of eating goose on the feast of St. Michael and All Angels is alive and well.

The Bible in Public Schools

Four members of the Texas Board of Education are urging school districts to adopt the program of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools. Objections are kind of vague in the article, but if you go to the webpage of the Texas Freedom Network, you’ll find documentation of the problems found by this…

Commonweal on the Hermeneutic of Continuity

There’s lots of nostalgia for the Catholic past, especially in the area of liturgy, says Commonweal blogger Cathleen Kaveny (John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law and Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame). And this has her worried. There’s plenty to complain about in contemporary culture. Nonetheless, I worry about the upswing…

The Beauty, Truth, and Goodness of Sexuality as God Created It

In discussions about legalization of homosexual “marriage,” its proponents say that Christian teaching on marriage as the exclusive, permanent, and fruitful union of a man and a woman is analagous to segregation and to chattel slavery, and will be universally recognized as such in another twenty years. They snidely point to broken homes, unfaithful spouses,…

Speaking Truth to Power

The National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries met in San Diego last week and got a surprise: Bishop Jaime Soto, coadjutor bishop of Sacramento, “courageously but gently” reminded them of Christian teaching on human sexuality. “Sexual relations between people of the same sex can be alluring for homosexuals, but it deviates from…

“Why Americans Are More Tolerant [than Canadians]”

Commentary by Canadian canonist, Pete Vere, based on experiences living in both countries. After some personal narrative comes the key point: We talk about tolerance in Canada. More often than not, as our electoral choices show, Canadian tolerance is just an excuse to avoid discussing our differences. Thus Canadians stick to what’s comfortable, what’s least…

Silenced at the Shrine

Phil Lawler was to have a book-signing at the bookstore at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, promoting his book, The Faithful Departed, about the Boston locus of the sexual abuse crisis. One morning this June, Monsignor Walter R. Rossi, rector of the shrine, walked into the bookstore. It was about…

Justifying Persecution in India

Dr. V. S. Acharya, Home Minister for the Indian state of Karnataka, downplays violence against Christians. The attacks were not against the entire Christian community. They took place only against certain groups such as New Life, Seventh Day Adventists, etc. They were distributing provocative material, exploiting people’s poverty and forcing them to convert to Christianity.…

A Preview of How Freedom May End …

Tonight’s melodramatic address by Bush raises many questions. How could our financial system be so fragile that a couple bank failures could raise the spectre of complete collapse? How did we get to this point? But another, more ominous, is this–If a couple of bank failures could lead the president to speak like this, would…

Stretching Hands across the Gulf

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, head of the Anglican Communion, went on pilgrimage today to the Catholic shrine of Lourdes, site of a church approved apparition of Mary to St. Bernadette. Catholic News Service says he gave the homily for a mass celebrated by Cardinal Walter Kasper. BBC. See the text of his sermon,…

New Army Unit Has Civil Response Mission

Liam linked to this brief video from Democracy Now in a comment. Here’s the story on the Democracy Now webpage: Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st…

Americans United against Religious Freedom

Yet again, Americans United shows that it is interested in legislating religious liberalism and denying religious freedom to conservatives. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services wants to enact regulations preserving the rights of conscience of health care providers. AU is against allowing these providers the right to refuse to engage in immoral acts.…

“The World’s Most Dangerous Antisemite”

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a speech at the UN yesterday–laced with classic antisemitic boilerplate. The Simon Wiesenthal Center responds, as does the ADL, which offers an historical overview “In His Own Words.” Do you harbor antisemitic attitudes? Consider these statements … if you find yourself saying yes repeatedly, you do. Jews are more loyal to Israel…

Before the Storm

During and after the recent hurricane, I found a number of Scripture images coming to my mind. On the Friday night we were expecting the storm, as we fearfully waited for what might come, I read Psalm 107 for our evening worship: Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on…

The Christian Origins of the Humane Society

From Michael Paulson of the Boston Globe: I’m not, myself, the world’s biggest animal lover, so it was with some trepidation that I traipsed over to the National Press Club in Washington on Saturday for a vegan luncheon for religion writers thrown by the Humane Society of the United States. I had no idea what…

Catholics on Creation: “Journey” or “Fall”?

Catholicism, having accepted evolution, also must accept the belief that death predated human sin; that the world was not created complete and perfect by God, but that it was created inherently imperfect and inclusive of what philosophers term, “natural evil.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church states this quite plainly 310 …[W]ith infinite wisdom and…