Evangelicals and Evolution

Christianity Today  has an article about the inroads of evolution into evangelicalism. InterVarsity press is among the leaders, it seems, in pushing evolutionary thought. The question the article focuses on is whether humans are really descended from a single pair. It’s “paradigm-shifting,” say some. Well, yes. The entire Biblical record of sin and salvation assumes…

Life with Des

Luke Ford writes about a day that opened his eyes. It’s a revelation into the home life of Desmond Ford, controversial Seventh-day Adventist theologian in the 70s and 80s. Funny thing–Des made his name by being all for freedom and the gospel. First thing that came to mind reading Luke’s account was a talk I…

What’s in a Name?

Bill Knott, editor of the Adventist Review, recently took pains to note that Adventist is pronounced AD-ventist, because we proclaim the Second ADvent of Christ. If you know the meaning of the word, he argues, you will pronounce it correctly; if you mispronounce it, maybe you’ve forgotten its meaning. SpecTRUM treats this as a trivial,…

LaSierra University

I have fond memories of LaSierra–I began my graduate studies there, back when it was the LaSierra campus of Loma Linda University. I found it a very open and hospitable place to someone such as I was then–a liberal former Adventist who had come to accept evolution. Well, fast forward 25 years and LaSierra, long…

Muslim Soldiers Cleared … But Lives Ruined

Back in February 2010 a  CBN columnist claimed that five American soldiers, all Muslims, were “arrested” over a supposed poison plot at Fort Jackson. The story went viral on conservative webpages and radio programs. But nothing ever came of it. There were no follow up stories. Fact is, they were never arrested. They were questioned,…