Instant Experts

You’ve probably noticed the phenomenon–a story appears in the news, and suddenly everyone is an instant expert on the topic. It might be the Middle East, or AWOL soldiers, or immigration, or the border.  I started thinking about this after hearing several comments about Pope Francis. A masonic chaplain celebrates what he thinks is a…

Lutheran Purgatory

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr., has written an insightful little booklet, Lutheran Purgatory: Pastors without Calls. It’s about the experiences of pastors (jumping off from his own) who find themselves without a call. It’s written from the perspective of a pastor in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, but has wide applicability. A pastor can be without a…

New Opportunities

I got back from deployment at Christmas, and the time since has been an extended sabbatical. I’ve had the usual monthly drill with my National Guard unit, and several opportunities to teach ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). I’ve made some good connections with the Houston Muslim community, and attended an Adventist-Muslim Relations networking event…