Florida textbooks and religion

There’s been a controversy recently in a Florida school district over the teaching of Islam in a high school social studies text book. Some folks have even encouraged burning of the books. This is a ridiculous situation. Here are the facts of the curriculum: http://vcdec.com/pdf/facts.pdf

Sunni and Shia

I came across an interesting Pew study comparing perspectives of Shia and Sunni Muslims. This led me to reflect on the fact that I have had little experience in dialogue with Shia–a couple visited my World Religion class one year; last week, at the Old Souq in Kuwait City, I chatted with a Shia from Afghanistan…

The Adventist Ordination Debate–Separating the Issues

There’s a debate today in the Seventh-day Adventist Church about whether women should be ordained. At least, that’s how some people portray the issue. I believe, however, that the actual debate is over the meaning of ordination. Dan Jackson, president of the North American Division, tweeted yesterday, “Out of 4,000 pastors in NAD, 107 are…

What the Trinity Is–and Is Not

The doctrine of the Trinity was developed over time as the early church sought to preserve the witness of Scripture in the face of new challenges. The starting point of Scripture is the incarnation, which leads to a certain kind of speaking about God. Jesus, the eternal Word, through whom all was made, who was…