UT Study of Reasons Students Have Sex

Researchers at UT have studied reasons college students have sex. Newspaper article and the study. The latter admits that the data are skewed by the fact that they were interviewing college students, and of these, “Four percent of the women and 2% of men were married. Six percent of women and 5% of men were…

Insult to Injury

Israel’s Holocaust survivors will get a $20 monthly stipend–they call it “absurd and insulting,” and say Germany treats them better.

Ellen G. White in the Light of Catholic Theology of Revelation

Some folks have asked how I could re-embrace Adventism after having some very specific disagreements with it–for example, regarding the role of Ellen White. Well, I must say that here is a good example of how my years in the Catholic Church helped me to better understand and appreciate some aspects of Seventh-day Adventist teaching.…

“A More Generous View”

As a response to Phil Johnson’s poster parodies, Emerging Grace provides alternative posters which represent “a more generous view” of “emerging church” principles. Via Emergent Village blog. And I gotta say, I don’t see what’s really so controversial about most of this “emerging church” stuff, especially as summarized in Grace’s posters. Now, I’m coming at…

Clueless in Australia

The Australian government wants to provide “safe sex” info to participants in next year’s Catholic “World Youth Day”–the same info it has provided for the Sydney Olympics, the Gay Games, and Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The Catholic Church is not interested, and government officials are put out. It can’t see that a gathering…

“Emerging Church” Gathering in Austin

One of the regional gatherings, Emergence 2007: The National Conversation on the Emerging Church, will be at Gateway Community Church in Austin October 19-20. Scot McKnight lists reasons for attending. Registration. I had thought about attending, but we’re having something that weekend that I need to attend in Houston instead.

Shakespeare Time

It’s summer, and time for the Houston Shakespeare Festival at Miller Outdoor Theatre. This year’s plays are “Love’s Labor’s Lost” and “Romeo and Juliet.” We’re planning on going the next two Thursday nights, if anyone would like to plan on meeting us there.

Adventist Spirituality

Christian spirituality, at the simplest level, is the lived experience of a personal relationship with God. It includes the day to day things we do to express and nourish that relationship, including prayer and the reading of Scripture. It includes the inspiration we find to keep us going, to help us make choices. It’s about…

Camp Meeting 2.0–God the Father

Alexander Carpenter has some comments regarding God the Father at Spectrum blog, as part of the “Blogging the 28″/Camp Meeting 2.0 series. You may make comments over there. Some years ago I wrote a review of a wonderful volume edited by Alvin F. Kimel, Jr., Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge…

Controversial Acts?

I was surprised by statistics cited in an ABC report about breast-feeding showing a majority of Americans to be opposed to this most normal and natural of activities. … 57 percent of Americans said women should not have the right to breast-feed in public. Seventy-two percent said it was inappropriate to show a woman nursing…

No Religious Liberty in Washington

Washington State refuses to give pharmacists a religious exemption to mandated “Plan B” coverage–the “right” of patients to unrestricted abortion is an absolute, the religious rights of pharmacists are denied. Some pharmacists are suing.

On the Mass as a Sacrifice

Brandon at SDA2RC posts this definition of the mass as sacrifice from the 1962 Daily Roman Missal published by Angelus Press (the SSPX publishing house): The Mass is thus the perpetual prolongation of the Sacrifice made on the cross. Consequently, every Mass is the one immolation of Christ repeated in the Act of Oblation.  That’s…


Fr. John Z. continues to blog about reactions to the pope’s motu proprio allowing greater use of the 1962 Missale Romanum, today posting a letter sent by the Bishop of Steubenville, OH, to his priests with some interesting demands. The motu proprio is just one more instance of the tug-of-war over authority that dominates the…

Marvin Zindler, RIP

He was a striking image in his blue glasses and white hair, and a prominent feature of Houston television for many years, battling with “Marvin’s Angels” for justice for consumers, and against “SLIME IN THE ICE MACHINE!” His reporting brought down the Chicken Ranch in La Grange, TX, inspired a Broadway musical and a movie.…

A “Christian Nation”?

I flipped past D. James Kennedy this morning, who was asserting once again his contention that America is a Christian nation, that the founding fathers always believed this, that “separation of church and state” is a myth, etc. Then this afternoon I was browsing through the webpage of the Archives of the Seventh-day Adventist General…

More Sacred Harp Singing

Some very nice Sacred Harp (and other) recordings from the Voices of Village Harmony, Voices of Waco Many more groups here. Some of my favorites: The Morning Trumpet, Wondrous Love, Holy Manna, Beach Spring, Happy Land, Northfield, Never Part Again.

Old Music

Anthology of the American Hymn-Tune Repertory: The Colonial Era to the Civil War, edited by Mark D. Rhoads.

Neuhaus on the NAB Translation

I agree completely with Richard John Neuhaus: The NAB is a banal, linguistically inept, and misleading translation. Why did the bishops force it upon the Catholic people, demanding that it and it alone be used in the readings of the Mass? Various answers are given: Because it was produced by the guild of Catholic biblical…

A Senior Moment …

My son’s, not mine–he had his senior pictures taken today. It was 29 years ago that I was getting mine taken.

Sacred Harp Music

I love the sound of Sacred Harp music; the rest of the family is split. I was listening to quite a bit of it tonight, including an NPR story, some YouTube clips, and a documentary, Sweet Is the Day: A Sacred Harp Family Portrait. The Sacred Harp was a hymnal (using shape notes) that went…

Defining Proselytism at Georgetown

Commonweal links to a Washington Post article about new religious policies at Georgetown University. Protestant groups were required to sign a statement affirming: While zeal for spreading the good news of the Gospel is a most worthy Christian virtue, there is increasing agreement among Christians today that proselytism, defined as any effort to influence people…

More on Ward Churchill

Why I Fired Professor Churchill, by Hank Brown, President of the University of Colorado: If you are a responsible faculty member, you don’t falsify research, you don’t plagiarize the work of others, you don’t fabricate historical events and you don’t thumb your nose at the standards of the profession. More than 20 of Mr. Churchill’s…

“Emerging Church” Satire

You gotta admit that Phil Johnson of Pyromaniacs is a talented graphic artist. He’s been posting a series of posters satirizing the Emerging Church movement, that he has now gathered together in one place. If you click on the posters as they appeared on his blog, you will be taken to sites which he says…