Adventist Campus Ministry

Cross posted from Ignition. I just got back from the 180˚ Symposium at Andrews University, sponsored by the Center for Youth Evangelism. Kudos to Ron Whitehead, Japhet De Oliveira, Steve Case, Ron Pickell, and all others involved. Our topic: public campus ministry. I presented a paper on Ellen G. White and the Secular Campus. Adventists…

A Surprising Lack of Anger

Lee Podles has been commenting on the case of Bishop Raymond Lahey of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, who was found with kiddie porn on his computer. He wonders why none of the official Catholic commentators express any anger at Lahey’s actions–following a consistent pattern of official Catholic response to sexual abuse.

Americans United Mocks Religious Liberty

Americans United ceased to be a religious liberty organization years ago and became just another leftwing agitator. That’s readily apparent in their article, “Whose Conscience Counts?” The issue is the “rights” (their scare quotes) of pharmacists who oppose abortion, and who want to follow “conscience” (their scare quotes again). The article is a flat out…

Church and State

The odd and questionable custom of the United States having an ambassador to a church continues. Miguel Diaz has been formally welcomed by Pope Benedict XVI. And let’s not play games and imagine that we send an ambassador to the Vatican because it is a “country.” We send an ambassador not to a square mile…