F. Lucii Ferraris, Bibliotheca

I recently noticed a critique of medieval papal claims that cited as a source of those claims Ferraris’ Prompta Bibliotheca. I’d seen it in footnotes before, but was never moved to look into it, but the other day I had some free time on my hand, and access to the library of a Catholic seminary,…

Kittel, Althaus, et al

Every person who has study theology knows the name Kittel–sometimes as the name of a man, Gerhard Kittel, and sometimes as shorthand for his magnum opus, the ten volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. When a one volume abridgment was published, it quickly became known as the “Little Kittel.” Althaus, of course, is Paul…

The Modern Frankenstein

In the classic monster movie, “Frankenstein,” as the electricity flows into the monster’s body, the mad doctor shouts, “In the name of God, now I know what it’s like to be God!” Those words struck the depression era audience as blasphemous, and they were censored, only to be restored in our day. This desire to…

Listerine Recall

I thought Listerine killed germs? If germs can survive swimming around in the stuff for weeks, what good can a swish in your mouth possibly accomplish?