An Upcoming Trip

I’m heading out a week from Sunday to go to Walla Walla, Washington; this will be my first trip to the Pacific Northwest. I’ll be taking a week long intensive course on the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology from George Knight. I’ve been doing lots of required reading for the class last week and this,…

Resignation at Guantanamo

LTC Darrel Vandeveld, prosecutor at Gitmo, resigned recently–after Fr. John Dear advised him, “Quit.” LA Times notes he’s the fourth prosecutor to resign under protest. Neither of the main candidates has made Gitmo an issue.

“Annihilate Islam”?

A schismatic Catholic church in Midland, TX, is under fire for having a sign that says, “Annihilate Islam.” Video. Transcript. Except that it doesn’t say that–not as if it were a command. Rather, the reference is historical. The sign says, “Lepanto October 1571, Mary & Her Rosary Annihilate Islam.” This was a decisive victory of…

The Voice

New NT translation: The Voice. A friend who is one of the translators sent me the link. More when I get a copy. Here’s an article about it from the Houston Chronicle.

Waller County–Fighting Justice for 30 Years

The folks in Waller County, NW of Houston, seem to be a little slow to learn. For thirty years they have been obstructing the right to vote of students at Prairie View A&M University (a historically black university). County officials have consistently lost court battles, but they haven’t learned. In the latest go round, they…