Adventists and War

I’ve prepared a new video on the topic of Seventh-day Adventists and War. This is a little more blunt than what I was able to say when I was working for Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries. The presentation gives some indications of why I moved toward Anabaptism.


Before the word “pacifism” was coined about the year 1900, the word used for a philosophy of non-violence was non-resistance. This was the term used by Anabaptists, rooted in Jesus’ command in Matt. 5:39, “Do not resist an evil person.” The Global Anabaptist-Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO) quotes two early leaders: Menno Simons said: “The regenerated do…

A Missed Opportunity

During my nine years with Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, I thought I had a great opportunity to be able to remind people of Adventism’s teachings of nonviolence. I tried. But I was swimming upstream. Since the days of Carlyle B. Haynes in the early 20th century, Adventism wanted to prove itself patriotic. Since the 1950s, it…